不會卡普 也要有一絕求生存阿

2019/04/28 23:43
like response collection

“I can do this all day!” “我能和你耗上一整天!”

2019/04/28 22:40
like response collection


2019/04/28 22:32
like response collection

男人的胯下只能有兩種東西。 一是女人,二是油箱。

2019/04/28 19:12
like response collection

山道非賽道 騎車只為了享受

2019/04/28 17:06
like response collection

Riders lead the way! All the way!

2019/04/28 15:43
like response collection

躊躇不前 後悔莫及

2019/04/28 02:26
like response collection


2019/04/27 22:56
like response collection


2019/04/27 10:34
like response collection

我最喜歡假日騎著smax abs去長途旅行 不只高速巡航穩定安全又能享受騎車快樂

2019/04/26 16:51
like response collection